In the name of God, Amen. This being my last Will and Testament being in my write mind and common sense, first I give my soul to God and my body to the Earth, second, for divers good causes. (?) ___ mooving(?) hereunto do give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Nancy Pogue my hole tract of land with all my movable personal and real estate and in her hands to remain during her natural life or widohood after all my just debts are paid. Third I give unto my beloved son Thomas Pogue fifty acres of land to him survey adjoining Christopher Kirby after paying up thirty dollars in proption (?) to my daughters in good trade. Fourth I give unto my beloved son John Pogue fifty acres of land after paying thirty dollars in good trade. His land to joine Farmers. Fifth I give and bequeath unto my beloved son Farmer Pogue fifty acres of land adjoining Thomas Pogue to him run off after paying thirty dollars in good trade. These three sons to pay on the bounds of two or three years at least. Sixth I bequeath unto my beloved son William Pogue fifty acres of land, part on the South side of Lick Creek; if not enough, then to take the balance on the north side of the Creek. Seventh I bequeath unto my beloved son Howell Pogue fifty acres of land on the north side of Lick Creek and William and Howell Pogue to divide as they can agree. After William comes into the possession of his land one year, he is to pay to the estate of his sisters thirty dollars in good trade. Lastly I do constitute my beloved wife Nancy Pogue Executrix and Thomas Pogue and John Pogue my true and trusty friends as Executors. So I conclude that all my household and kitchen furniture and all of my stock to be equally divided, after my wife decease, among my living daughters.
In witness whereoff I have Hearunto set my hand and affixed my seal this six day of January anna domina 1814
John P Pogue Sr. Seal
John Price
Benjamin Williams
(B. Williams hand Asked(?)
Fee paid
John Pogues Will
26 April 1814
M. 7 p 241
Recording 63