Will of Robert Bruce Polk, dated 6 day May 1699
Proved 5 day of June 1703-4
Annapolis Wills, T. B., 1701-3. folio 416-418
In the name of God, Amen:
This sixth day of May in the year of our Lord 1699, I Robert Polke of
Somerset County in the Province of Maryland being of good health and
Perfect memory at this present thank be to the Almighty God for the same
yet knowing the uncertainty of this present life and being desirous to
settle my affairs doe make this my last will and Testament in manner and
form following:
First and principally I commend my soule to God who gave it to me,
assuredly believing that I shall receive full and free pardon of all my
sins and be saved by the pretious Death and Merritts of my Blessed Savior
and Redeemer Jesus Christ and my body to the Earth from whence it was taken
to be buried after a decent and Christian manner at the discretion of my
Executor hereafter named and as touching such worldly estate as God in his
mercy hath bestowed upon me, It is my will that it be disposed of as
hereafter as expressed.
2ndly I leave to my son Robert Polke a parcel of land called Forlorne
Hope, formerly belonging to Augustine Standforth but now conveyed to me the
said land called Lone Ridge beginning at a marked pine standing in a slash
next to my Son's, house and from thence running north east the number of
poles specified in the patent soe leaving to my son Robert what land
belongs to the said pattent on the north east side of the said slash to him
the said Robert Polke and his heirs forever.
3rdly I leave to my said son David Polke the remainder of the above said
tract of land called Forlorne Hope as also one hundred acres of land called
Polks Folly bounded as per Pattent will appear both tracts of land to him
the said David and his heirs forever.
4thly I leave to my Beloved Wife Magdalen Polke my now dwelling house and
plantation during her natural life as also a third of that goods and
moveables I am Possed with or shall hereafter to the day of my death the
said Goods and moveables to be at her disposing at her decease. Another
third of my Goods and moveables I leave to my daughter Martha be it little
or such here and her heirs forever and as for the other third. It is my
will it be equally divided between my sons David and Joseph, and if it
should please God to Remove me before I purchase a seat of Land after my
son Joseph, this my will: that my son David give unto my son Joseph four
thousand pounds of Tobacco in the leu of the above said tracts of Land left
to my son David and as for what cattle I have given to my son Joseph they
being in his proper Mark it's my will that he enjoy and possess the same he
and his heirs forever for this boy Christopher must live with Magdalen
during her life time then.
5thly I leave to my son James an Orphan Boy called Christopher Little to
him the said James and his heirs during the time of his Indre.
I leave unto my son Ephraim the choice of what steer I have or may have
the day of my death.
I leave to my sons John and William Polke to each of them twelve pence.
I constitute and appoint my son David Polke and my wife Magdalen Polke
be the Executors of this my last will.
Codacil 1 -X - I constitute and name Ephraim and James Polke to be
Executors of this my last will and testament disannulling and making void
all former will or wills by me made either by word or written.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and
above written this being allowed the eighth day of August, 1703.
Polke Seal
Richard Knight
Mary Ol English
Richard Whittley.