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The Story of Howard and Bonnie Hill

  Hello Fellow Genealogists:

I started genealogy in 1989 as a method to determine my roots, which I doubted the existence of after losing my father and my mother suffering a catastrophic stroke.  What started as an avocation, soon became an addictive vocation.  Many years and thousands of miles later, I endeavor to share my research with those who are looking for their roots.

Like so many others, I bemoan the fact I waited so long to start and can't share this knowledge with my parents or grandparents.  How joyous they would be to know the trails we've traveled and the information gleaned from our travels.

As you can see, Howard and I are old fuddy-duddy grandparents.   We have 3 sons and 6 grandchildren, plus a foster son and his son.  Howard spent one career in the US Navy, then worked other jobs, including truck driving until 1991 when he retired for the final time.  At that time, I also quit working for others and decided to go full time into genealogy.  I have to date, take one of Howard's lines back to the year 6 A.D., with some more information forthcoming, which may take him back even further.  This line is so royal that I have to bow when I address him.  Of course nothing back that far is verifiable, but it's sure fun to go there.   I haven't tried to list the pedigrees on this page, just their names.  If anyone looks familiar, send me an e-mail telling me which names you're interested in and I'll try to get right back to you.  Since there are so many, and since I may get swamped, please be patient with me.  I'll work as fast as my arthritic fingers will go.

I volunteer at our local LDS Family History Library one morning a week and thoroughly enjoy helping others.  Plus, I'm learning a great deal, too.   So as we launch this new venture, I hope it brings as much enjoyment to others as it does to me.  It will probably be under construction a great deal of the time as I envisage new things to do with it, but I will try to keep the highways open during construction.

Forever Family Well- Wishes to everyone.


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